
UK Average Earnings in 2022 for Professional Occupations

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Last Reviewed: 17th February 2022

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Document: Employee earnings in the UK: 2021

Employment Category: Professional occupations

This page contains the average salaries for Professional occupations in the United Kingdom in 2022 as extracted from the "Employee earnings in the UK: 2021" document published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). If you are not sure which occupation group your occupation is listed in pleave view our list of occupations allocated to each group by the Office of National Statistics

Below you will find details of the average salary as detailed in the ONS report for 2022 and 2021 with details of the percentage change in average salary and a supporting salary calculation so you can see what the take home pay for each occupation listed under "Professional Occupations" would be. Please note that some occupations may have no average salaries defined for specific years, this occurs when insufficient data is recorded via the survey or when occupations categories are redefined.

Average Salary Year

Interpreting average salary data is difficult in 2021 due to how COVID-19 impacted the Average Weekly Earnings data. This means that comparisons with 2020 need to be treated with caution, and we encourage users to focus on long-term trends rather than year on year changes during the COVID 19 years.

The ONS moved the occupation coding to Standard Occupation Classification 2020 from 2010. This means estimates for earnings in April 2021 on a SOC 2020 basis represent a break in the ASHE time series. Estimates will not be directly comparable with estimates for earnings on a SOC 2010 basis and, as such, should not be used in direct comparison with each other. As such we have left redifened slaries that are not comparitable as blank and therefore no salary example or salary increase/decrease percentage will be shown.

Salary average earning metrics were affected by changes in composition of the workforce and the impact of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough) during the coronavirus pandemic period, as such salary fluctations and comparison between years lacks certainty therefore we encourage users to focus on long-term trends in average salaries rather than year-on-year changes shown.

2021 Annual Salary 1st Jul 2021 to 30th Jun 2022OccupationPay Differance2022 Annual Salary 1st Jul 2022 to 30th Jun 2023
£ 38,956.00 Biological scientists -14.06 % £ 33,477.00
£ 38,773.00 Biochemists and biomedical scientists 11.87 % £ 43,376.00
£ 32,277.00 Physical scientists 34.02 % £ 43,257.00
£ 38,471.00 Natural and social science professionals n.e.c. 7.66 % £ 41,417.00
£ 42,530.00 Civil engineers 4.26 % £ 44,341.00
£ 41,167.00 Mechanical engineers -0.17 % £ 41,098.00
£ 50,354.00 Electrical engineers 0.26 % £ 50,487.00
£ 49,367.00 Electronics engineers -0.57 % £ 49,087.00
£ 40,827.00 Aerospace engineers 5.09 % £ 42,906.00
£ 40,790.00 Engineering project managers and project engineers 12.30 % £ 45,808.00
£ 43,165.00 Engineering professionals n.e.c. -1.86 % £ 42,362.00
£ 48,053.00 IT business analysts, architects and systems designers 4.88 % £ 50,396.00
£ 50,343.00 Programmers and software development professionals -9.60 % £ 45,508.00
£ 49,510.00 Cyber security professionals -7.91 % £ 45,593.00
£ 44,024.00 IT quality and testing professionals -2.36 % £ 42,986.00
£ 33,490.00 IT network professionals 18.06 % £ 39,539.00
£ 42,091.00 Information technology professionals n.e.c. 1.38 % £ 42,670.00
£ 31,215.00 Web design professionals 24.08 % £ 38,732.00
£ 64,504.00 Generalist medical practitioners -32.54 % £ 43,514.00
£ 44,468.00 Specialist medical practitioners 54.30 % £ 68,614.00
£ 35,353.00 Physiotherapists 11.39 % £ 39,379.00
£ 33,680.00 Occupational therapists 1.69 % £ 34,249.00
£ 32,923.00 Speech and language therapists 9.14 % £ 35,932.00
£ 32,951.00 Therapy professionals n.e.c. -11.97 % £ 29,008.00
£ 35,971.00 Midwifery nurses 12.77 % £ 40,563.00
£ 41,264.00 Community nurses -13.62 % £ 35,644.00
£ 51,034.00 Higher education teaching professionals -7.32 % £ 47,300.00
£ 37,319.00 Further education teaching professionals 2.58 % £ 38,281.00
£ 41,412.00 Primary education teaching professionals -7.71 % £ 38,219.00
£ 38,010.00 Nursery education teaching professionals -23.30 % £ 29,154.00
£ 34,097.00 Special needs education teaching professionals 6.55 % £ 36,330.00
£ 59,841.00 Teachers of English as a foreign language -50.88 % £ 29,396.00
£ 27,582.00 Teaching professionals n.e.c. 9.93 % £ 30,320.00
£ 76,522.00 Legal professionals n.e.c. -59.54 % £ 30,957.00
£ 41,321.00 Chartered and certified accountants 5.66 % £ 43,661.00
£ 42,690.00 Taxation experts 16.93 % £ 49,916.00
£ 43,000.00 Management consultants and business analysts 2.07 % £ 43,888.00
£ 37,040.00 Marketing and commercial managers 26.21 % £ 46,747.00
£ 45,063.00 Actuaries, economists and statisticians -3.95 % £ 43,283.00
£ 38,855.00 Business and related research professionals -7.62 % £ 35,893.00
£ 27,599.00 Architects 57.56 % £ 43,486.00
£ 28,234.00 Chartered architectural technologists, planning officers and consultants 20.24 % £ 33,948.00
£ 38,999.00 Social workers 0.14 % £ 39,053.00
£ 38,140.00 Clergy -28.65 % £ 27,211.00
£ 35,544.00 Librarians -1.52 % £ 35,003.00
£ 30,324.00 Archivists and curators 3.33 % £ 31,334.00