
Percent Error Calculator

The Percent Error Calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate the percent error between two values. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the Percent Error Calculator to calculate the percent error between two values.

Percent Error Calculator
Accepted (True) Value
Observed Value
Percent Error Results
Percent Error18.750 %

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What is Percent Error?

Percent error is a measure of the accuracy of a measurement or calculation. It is the difference between the measured or calculated value and the actual or expected value, expressed as a percentage of the actual or expected value. Percent error can be positive or negative, depending on whether the measured or calculated value is greater or less than the actual or expected value.

The Formula for Percent Error

The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error Formula

Percent Error = |(Measured/Calculated Value - Actual/Expected Value) / (Actual/Expected Value)| x 100%

Example Calculation

Let's say that you are conducting an experiment to determine the density of a sample of metal. The actual or expected density of the metal is 7.85 g/cm3. You measure the density of the metal to be 7.50 g/cm3. To calculate the percent error, you would use the following formula:

Percent Error = |(7.50 g/cm3 - 7.85 g/cm3) / 7.85 g/cm3| x 100% = 4.46%

This means that your measured value is 4.46% lower than the actual or expected value.


The Percent Error Calculator is a useful tool for calculating the percent error between two values. It can be used in a variety of applications, such as scientific experiments, manufacturing, and quality control. By following the formula outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly and easily calculate the percent error and evaluate the accuracy of your measurements or calculations.

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