
Energy Conversion Calculator

The energy conversion calculator developed by iCalculator is an extremely easy to use online calculator that converts energy into various units of measurement.

Energy Conversion Calculator
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Density Calculator: This image shows Density Formula with associated calculations used by the Density Calculator

Everything You Need To Know About Energy Conversion

Energy is in everything, it's everywhere. From food we eat to drinks we drink. The calorific intake you care about is also energy. Before we take a closer look at how this ratio calculator works, let's understand the concept of energy better.

What is Energy?

In simple words, energy is the capacity of doing work. The more energy something has, the more work it can do.

What are the Various Forms and Types of Energy?

There are two forms of energy, potential and kinetic.

What is Potential Energy?

Potential energy is the energy stored in a body at rest. A wound spring of a spring action watch stores potential energy. Water stored in a tank on a high rooftop also has potential energy. The pressure your hand feels when you press a spring between your thumb and forefinger is also caused by potential energy.

What is Kinetic Energy?

Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is the energy in motion. The compressed spring "shoots away" from your hand when flicked because all the potential energy stored in it suddenly changes into kinetic energy. A moving pendulum is also a great example of kinetic energy.

And now, it's time to get acquainted with the various types of energy:

What are the Different Types of Energy?

Thermal Energy

Also known as heat energy, thermal energy is the result of vibrations at molecular and atomic levels. The faster their motion (vibration), the more friction they have and the hotter they become.

Chemical Energy

The energy stored in the chemical bonds of all the atoms and particles is known as chemical energy. The energy we get after eating food is because when these bonds break down, they release the stored energy. The same applies to biomass, natural gas and petroleum.

Electrical Energy

Air conditioners, fans, tubelights, everything that runs on electricity consumes electrical energy. It is the energy stored in electrons, the negatively charged particles of an atom. Lightning is also a beautiful example of electrical energy.

Light Energy

Also known as electromagnetic or radiation energy, it travels in the form of transverse waves. Consisting primarily of photons (light particles), light energy is the only type of energy that is visible to us. Solar panels is the best example of converting light energy into electrical energy.

Mechanical Energy

If you have seen a windmill and know how it uses the rotational motion to make electricity, you have witnessed the power of mechanical energy. A dynamo attached to a bicycle that lights up a headlight also works on the principle of mechanical energy.

Sound Energy

Ever wondered how opera singers can shatter a wine glass with their shrill, high pitched notes? The secret lies in the sound energy. Projecting forward in a longitudinal motion, sound waves need a medium to travel, i.e, they can't travel in a vacuum.

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

The law of conservation of energy in its simplest of textbook definitions is that the energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed from one form/type to another.

How the Energy Conversion Calculator Works?

While developing this energy conversion calculator, iCalculator focused on ease of use and providing quick, accurate results. All it takes is a simple, 3-step process:

  1. Enter the value you want to convert
  2. Choose a unit of energy want to convert from
  3. Choose a unit of energy want the value to convert into

And that's it, the calculator will give you the accurate result instantly.

The energy conversion calculator comprises of a plethora of units of measurement to choose from. From joules to calories to foot pound force to watt hour, it has 29 interchangeable units of measuring energy. It includes S.I. units as well as imperial and other units too.

Uses of Energy Conversion in Real Life

What will be your reaction if we told you that energy can also be measured in terms of weight, length and temperature? You'll be surprised, right? The Energy conversion calculator allows us to see how much of one unit equals to another. The conversion comes in handy when we are measuring energy on a high scale.


Energy is among the most interesting concepts of physics and also happens to be the foundation of life. Measuring energy allows us to calculate how much work is done. With a myriad of units of measurement available, converting energy from one unit to another doesn't come across as an easy task. This is exactly where the energy conversion calculator saves the day.

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