
Absolute Value Calculator - Find the Absolute Value of a Number

Calculate the non negative number x using the absolute value calculator

Absolute Value Calculator
|x| = ?
x =
Absolute Value Calculator Results

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Are you trying to find the absolute value of a number? Look no further! Our Absolute Value Calculator makes it easy to calculate the absolute value of any number. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the steps of using our calculator and provide some examples to help you understand how it works.

Step 1: Enter the Number

The first step is to enter the number whose absolute value you want to calculate. You can do this by typing the number into the input box on the calculator. Our calculator can handle both positive and negative numbers.

Step 2: Calculate the Absolute Value

Once you've entered the number, click the "Calculate" button on the calculator. Our Absolute Value Calculator will then display the absolute value of the number you entered. The absolute value of a number is the distance between the number and zero on the number line. In other words, it is the magnitude of the number without considering its sign.

|x| = x, if x ≥ 0 -x, if x < 0

As you can see from the formula above, the absolute value of a number x is equal to x if x is greater than or equal to zero, and it is equal to -x if x is less than zero.


Let's look at some examples to see how the Absolute Value Calculator works:

  • The absolute value of 5 is 5.
  • The absolute value of -5 is also 5.
  • The absolute value of 0 is 0.
  • The absolute value of 2.5 is 2.5.
  • The absolute value of -2.5 is also 2.5.

As you can see from these examples, the absolute value of a number is always positive, regardless of whether the original number was positive or negative.


Our Absolute Value Calculator makes it easy to calculate the absolute value of any number. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly and accurately find the absolute value of any number. Try it out for yourself and see how easy it is!

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