
Freight Density and Ratio Calculator

The Freight Density and Dimensions Calculator is designed to calculate freight shipment metrics including piece and shipment level volume, cubic metres and density factor. The cost effectiveness of moving your freight is best viewed in terms of its density factor. Lower density factor shipments are typically more expensive to move view air freight services and they consume a lot of space, in freight terms, these shipments are called 'Volumetric shipments' of 'Volume' for short.

If you are new to the freight industry of have never calculated volumetric weight for transportation costs before you can find details on how to use the Freight Density and Ratio Calculator below the calculator.

Freight Density and Ratio Calculator
Shipment Dimensions and Weight
Density Calculator(Consolidated Shipment Metrics)
WgtVol. WgtChargeable WgtCubeRatio
Freight Rates(Optional)
Min. rateKilo RateShipment Cost

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Using this Freight Density Calculator

Calculating the density ratio and other freight metrics is simple using our freight calculator:

  1. Enter the dimensions and weight for each piece of your shipment
  2. If you have a number of pieces which have the same weight and dimensions, increase the piece count
  3. Click on the plus icon to the left of the first line to add a new line. Enter new dimensions and weights for each unique piece
  4. The freight calculator will then calculate the combined weight, cube and density ratio of the consolidated shipments
  5. Optional: Add a price per kilo and minimum shipment price to see a cost calculation on your shipment
  6. Optional: Email the shipment to yourself, a colleague or customer for later reference
Density Ratios Table
1:10Up to 100
1:9100 - 111
1:8111 - 125
1:7125 - 143
1:6143 - 167
1:5167 - 200
1:4200 - 250
1:3250 - 333
1:2333 - 500
1:1500 - 1000