
Absolute Change Calculator

Use the Absolute change calculator to calculate the absolute change between two numbers, this may be an investment, return on investment or profit margin. To help you calculate the Absolute change we have added some example figures so you can review the formula for calculating absolute change. Simply enter your own values to calculate absolute change.

Absolute Change Calculator
Absolute Change Calculator Results
Absolute Change (c) =
Absolute Change Formula and Calculations
c = b - a
c = -
c =
Calculator Input Values
Value of Indicator in Period 1 (a) =
Value of Indicator in Period 2 (b) =

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. This image shows the formula used for the calculation of absolute change used by the Absolute Change Calculator

Absolute Change Explained

Absolute change measures the exact numerical change between two numbers.

Absolute change equals an ending number minus a beginning number.

You can calculate absolute change for situations in which you don't need to compare a change to another number.

Absolute Change Example

The absolute change in a business investment may be an increase of 50,000 dollars in two years.

Relative Change Explained

Absolute change is different to relative change:

  • Relative change measures a change in numerical data.
  • Relative change measures change in relation to another number.

Relative Change Example

The relative change in a business investment may grow by 3 percent of its previous return.