
hreflang Tags Creator

This tool allows you to create href tags for your website to allow multi language versions and tailored content to meet demographic and linguistic alternate user requirements.

hreflang Tags Generator
My hreflang tags:

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How to use the hreflang tags creator

hreflang tags creator is designed to be intuitive but, just in case....

  1. Enter the url of the web page that provides the alternate content. Example: Page A is in French, it should have a hreflang tag included for page B which is in Spanish
  2. Select the target language
  3. Optional: select the target country
  4. Combines different languages within one country as necessary.
  5. Repeat for each language / country that you provide alternate web content for
  6. Press 'Add Tag'
  7. Copy the hreflang tags created
  8. Paste in the header of your webpage. Repeat and mirror for all relevant multi lingual / country pages.

What are hreflang tags?

hreflang tags are html tags which should be used when you have a website which provides:

  • Alternate language versions of the same content. For example your website may provide an English, French and Spanish language version of your content.
  • Alternate Country versions of the same content. For example, your website may provide the same tools but specific to different countries. iCalculator is a good example, we provide tax calculators for different countries (UK, US, Canada, Australia, India, Jamaica and so on).

hreflang tags test case

It is vital that you use hreflang tags in your website if you are targeting multiple countries. iCalculators website traffic quadrupled overnight when we implemented hreflang tags. Why? Despite having good traffic levels from various countries and numerous targeted tax and finance calculators for each of those countries we had not configured the multinational targeting of the website correctly. Adding the hreflang tags was one part of the success, the other was altering our target country within Google Webmaster Tools.

iCalculator was originally a project which provided UK specific tax and finance calculators. Consequently, we had defined the UK as our target country in Google Webmaster Tools. This and the lack of hreflang tags meant that we had not truly helped the Google search engine to understand the true breadth of our content and tools.

The real impact of this was iCalculator growth was limited by our own error. Not truly understanding how search engines looked at mulit national sites was a huge oversight. Luckily, one that we realised and rectified.

What do hreflang tags look like?

Below is an example of hreflang tags on iCalculator. Here you can see how each separate tax calculator is defined for each country. This allows search engines (Google, Yahoo etc.) to understand that the current page has an associated page designed specifically for an alternate country. This then allows the search engines to deliver the relevant page to a user from that country to see and use the relevant content / calculator / tool etc.

 <link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-in" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-us" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-ca" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-jm" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-gb" />

The hreflang tag has 3 key components that you need to define:

  1. URL The Unique Reference Link of your webpage. This is specific in the href tag.
  2. Target Language This is the first 2 letters within the 'hreflang' tag. In iCalculators example, all are en = English.
  3. Target Country This is the latter 2 letters within the 'hreflang' tag. in the iCalculator example, we have in = India, us = United States, ca = Canada, jm = Jamaica gb = Great Britain

Where should I position hreflang tags?

hreflang tags should be placed in the head section of your webpage as shown below.

 <head> <link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-in" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-us" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-ca" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-jm" />
<link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-gb" />

More on hreflang tags

This simple test case and explanation are provided to help you make the most of your international SEO based on our own experience and growth. We hope you find these tips useful and welcome your feedback and additional tips.

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